From Chicago to NYC: Externship Opens Doors for Law Student into Transactional Law

Alex Stolfe

Originally from Chicago, IL, Alexandra Stolfe L’25 has always pictured her post-graduate life beginning in New York City. She loves roaming the art galleries, reading books in Central Park, and trying as many new restaurants as she possibly can.

Stolfe came to Syracuse Law as a part of the 3+3 partnership with the Syracuse University Martin J. Whitman School of Management, where she graduated with a degree in finance and accounting. At law school, she was elected as Senior Notes Editor for the Syracuse Law Review. She is also involved with the Alternative Dispute Resolution team of the Travis H.D. Lewin Advocacy Honor Society and tutoring 1Ls as an Academic Success Fellow. She is interested in working in transactional law, something that has been solidified for her through her current externship with the asset finance group at Holland & Knight.

New York City street from above

Thanks in part to the Externship Opportunity Fund, Stolfe could make connections, study, and begin to set up a life for herself in New York City. She is also learning a great deal about what her future work will be, already sitting in on client negotiations, drafting sale and purchase agreements, and even supporting her firm at the Airline Economics Conference.

Overall, she loved working with the people at Holland & Knight the most. “The associates and partners were patient with my questions and eager to teach me,” she explains. “The partners always created time to give me feedback and share stories about their impressive careers and the associates took the time to give extra instruction when I needed it. This made me feel like an integrated member of the office. I received incredible mentorship.”

Alex Stolfe

While the office operates with a high level of professionalism, Stolfe appreciated the warmth and friendliness of her coworkers. The welcoming and supportive environment helped her feel more confident asking questions and contributing her own opinions and thoughts on work products.

Stolfe credits the guidance of Richard Furey L’94, Partner, Holland & Knight, with shaping her externship experience. She believes that working with him and observing how he leads the practice truly showed her what it means to be a leader, in both the office and in his field.

Richard Furey
Richard Furey L’94, Partner, Holland & Knight

“I have always greatly admired and appreciated the Syracuse alumni network,” she says. “They are always ready to provide help when you need it. I would not be where I am today if not for these connections.”

Stolfe plans on building upon the lessons and skills she learned at Holland & Knight to her summer associate position this summer. This includes not only technical skills related to asset finance, contract drafting, and aviation law but also the interpersonal skills that define what it means to be an attorney.