
Helping you with your hiring needs!

The College of Law provides support to employers seeking to engage and hire our students and alumni. Whether you’re looking to build a new relationship with Syracuse students, strengthen an already existing partnership, or simply fill your hiring needs, a call to our office is a step in the right direction. We are happy to connect you with students through participation on a panel, conducting on-campus & virtual interviews, collecting resumes, posting an internship, externship, or job opportunity, or sponsoring a career-related event.

Get Involved

Post a Job & On-Campus / Virtual Recruitment or Externship

Employers are welcome to submit employment opportunities on our 12Twenty CSM. Please register to hire a paid intern, volunteer intern or extern (for academic credit), or post-graduate position. You will be able to add/update postings and control how your position is advertised. If you are a first-time user, you will need to sign up for an account. Please refer to the 12Twenty Employer Sign Up Instructions for more details.

The Externship Program allows students to earn credit while gaining legal experience that will stand out on their resumes. It is an opportunity for our students to gain hands-on lawyering experience working with and as lawyers in real office settings. Placements can be in private firms, corporations, government offices, public interest/legal aid offices, judicial placements, and non-traditional placements. All work must be performed under the direct supervision of an attorney and are generally for one academic semester or over the summer. Placements may be paid or unpaid and can be in person or remote.

For an employer, hosting an extern is an excellent way of contributing to the legal education. As an employer mentor, you and your colleagues offer an extern a first-hand look at what it means to be a lawyer. From working with clients to drafting documents to advocating in court, your supervision of an extern makes the student a better professional tomorrow. If you are interested in being an externship host site, please contact Dafni S. Kiritsis, Director of Externships and Career Services.

Pro Bono Opportunities:

Students may participate in the College’s Pro Bono Recognition Program that recognizes students who have successfully completed at least 50 hours of pro bono legal work at approved sites and under the supervision of a licensed attorney.

The work must be done without fee or expectation of remuneration or academic credit and must involve legal services for persons of limited means. 

You can get involved by hosting a pro bono student clerk at your government agency, legal-related non-profit, or legal services entity.

Contact Dafni S. Kiritsis, Director of Externships and Career Services, for more information on how to get involved with students’ pro bono work.

Networking Opportunities:

One of the most important professional skills a student should hone is networking. The ability to build and maintain lasting relationships with other professionals is critical to ongoing success and career development. As a practitioner, you play an important role in networking with future attorneys. Throughout law school, Syracuse Law students have many opportunities to engage attorneys. From practice panels to lunches to evening networking events, your presence on campus is a chance for students to network with you.

The Office of Career Services invites you to get involved at the Law School as a speaker, panelist, or mentor. Let us know how you want to help! lawcareer@syr.edu

On-Campus / On-Camera (OCI) Interviews & Resume Collect Program Features – Fall & Spring Session

  • Access to Syracuse University College of Law students.
  • Electronic delivery of résumés of all interested students.
  • Private interview rooms in a Career Services Suite.
  • Administrative support on the day of interviews.
  • Convenient garage parking is located next to Dineen Hall.

On-Campus & Virtual Interviews

We are happy to collect application materials from students for your open positions and schedule interviews at the College of Law during the timeframes noted above. We are also able to help coordinate virtual interviews as you see fit based on your preferred platform. Refer to our 12twenty Registration Guide for On-Campus and Virtual Interviews for detailed instructions.

Resume Collect & Direct Apply

If you would like us to collect your application materials but prefer to select and schedule interviews at your convenience, we also offer a Resume Collect option. Refer to our 12twenty Registration Guide for Resume Collect or Direct Apply for detailed instructions..

Please feel free to call us at 315.443.1941 or email lawcareer@syr.edu to discuss your hiring needs.

Directions to Campus & Accommodations [PDF]

Non-Discrimination Policy

Syracuse University College of Law does not discriminate and prohibits harassment or discrimination related to any protected category including creed, ethnicity, citizenship, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, gender, pregnancy, disability, marital status, political or social affiliation, age, race, color, veteran status, military status, religion, sexual orientation, domestic violence status, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression or perceived gender1.

1 Title IX prohibits harassment or discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity. Titles VI and VII prohibit harassment or discrimination based on race, national origin, or color. Sections 503 and 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibit discrimination or harassment because of disability. In addition, New York law prohibits discrimination or harassment based on these and other protected categories.

Recruitment and Employer Policy

Syracuse University College of Law, Office of Career Services (OCS) values its relationships with employers and is pleased to offer our facilities and resources to assist employers in meeting their recruiting needs. The OCS’s recruiting policies are guided by the National Association for Law Placement’s Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about the below policies or recruiting at Syracuse University College of Law generally.

Syracuse University College of Law has adopted the following guidelines regarding 1) the timing of and response to offers for employment and 2) employer contact with first-year students.


  • When scheduling interviews with students when classes are in session, employers are asked to inquire about and make all reasonable efforts to avoid class conflicts and otherwise not disrupt students’ studies.
  • All offers for employment should remain open for at least 14 days from the date of the written offer, excepting private sector employers with more than 40 attorneys (see the guidelines below).
  • The below guidelines notwithstanding, we request that employers treat Syracuse University College of Law students no less favorably than students from any other law school with respect to the amount of time students are given to respond to offers for employment.

Initial Application Dates

We ask employers to not initiate formal one-on-one recruiting contact with first-year students, including applications, interviews or offers for employment, before November 15, particularly if final employment decisions are not expected to be made before first-semester grades are available. In limited circumstances, government employers requiring extensive background checks may solicit and review applications prior to November 15.

Interview Dates

Employers should not conduct interviews of any first-year student between Thanksgiving and the end of fall semester examinations unless the student has been offered alternative dates outside this window and the student has expressed a preference to interview during this period.

Students Not Previously Employed by the Employer

  • Offers for summer employment should be made in writing and remain open for at least 21 days from the offer letter, OR until December 1, whichever comes first; except that: a) Offers made before the first day of Fall and Spring OCI should remain open for at least 21 days from the first day of OCI. b) Offers made after December 1 should remain open for at least two (2) weeks from the date of the offer letter.
  • If requested by the employer in the offer letter, students should reaffirm their interest in the offer within the timeframe and/or by the date specified in the offer letter (if the offer has not already been accepted or declined).

2L Students Previously Employed by the Employer Offers for summer employment should remain open for 21 days from the first day of Fall and Spring OCI.

Students NOT Previously Employed by the Employer

  • Offers for post-graduate employment made to students on or before December 1 should remain open for 21 days from the date of the written offer.
  • Offers for post-graduate employment made to students after December 1 should remain open for 14 days from the date of the offer letter. Offers for post-graduate employment should remain open for 21 days from the date of the offer letter.

Students Previously Employed by the Employer
Offers for post-graduate employment should remain open for 21 days from the date of the offer letter.

Employers are encouraged to maintain productive working relationships with law schools by:

  • Communicating about all on- and off-campus recruiting activities before they take place;
  • Scheduling recruitment activities to minimize interference with students’ academic work and exam periods;
  • Exercising particular sensitivity during the first semester of law school and respecting individual law school guidelines surrounding 1L recruitment;
  • Responding promptly to law schools that report any misrepresentation or misconduct in recruitment activities;
  • Not expecting or requesting preferential services from law schools; and
  • Avoiding the solicitation of information received by law schools in confidence from candidates or other employers.

Employers are encouraged to share full and accurate information about their organization and the positions for which recruitment is being conducted by:

  • Providing information about their organization that will help candidates make informed decisions; and
  • Including a clear explanation of all expense reimbursement policies and procedures when extending invitations for in-office interviews.

    Employers are responsible for the conduct of their recruiters and for any representation made by those individuals, and can encourage responsible recruiting by:

  • Designating recruiters who are knowledgeable about their organization;
  • Ensuring that recruiters have training to avoid bias, discrimination, and harassment in the recruiting process;
  • Striving to provide interviewing and recruitment environments that minimize the risk of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment;
  • Instructing recruiters not to make any unauthorized commitments; and
  • Safeguarding all candidates’ personal privacy.

Employers are encouraged to act in ways that support the ability of candidates to make independent and considered decisions by:

  • Establishing reasonable response deadlines and giving candidates a reasonable period of time to consider offers of employment when each offer is made;
  • Providing consideration for reasonable requests for extensions;
  • Abiding by the established response deadlines for candidate responses;
  • Avoiding conduct that subjects candidates to undue pressure to accept or decline offers of employment; and,
  • Refraining from any activity that may adversely affect the ability of candidates to make independent and considered decisions.

Employers should honor all of their commitments, including:

  • Making good faith offers for employment in writing, with all terms clearly expressed;
  • Providing an updated offer, in writing, should modification occur; and
  • Notifying the candidate and relevant office of career services promptly if it becomes necessary to rescind or modify an offer of employment, and then working with the candidate to mitigate the impact of that modification or rescission.

Dineen Hall, Suite 214
950 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-1030
P: (315) 443-1941
F: (315) 443-3086