Fall 2024
Administrative Offices
(Please note, all phone numbers start with 315-443-xxxx, extension is listed in directory unless otherwise noted)
- Academic and Bar Success
- Advancement and External Affairs
- Budget and Business Operations
- Career Services
- Centers and Institutes
- Clinical Legal Education
- Communications and Marketing
- Dean’s Office
- Admissions
- Events and Facilities
- Full-Time Faculty (Full Time)
- Faculty (Emeriti)
- Faculty Support Staff
- Financial Aid
- Information Technology
- Law Library
- Neporent Café
- Online J.D. (JDinteractive)
- Registrar’s Office
- Student Experience
- Student Publications/Senate/Moot Court
Emergency Response |
Campus: 711 or x2224 or 911 Email/Text: 711@syr.edu or #78 from cell (AT&T/Verizon/Sprint only) COL County Address: 950 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-6070 SU Emergency Reference Guide |
Irving Place Entrance Security Desk: x1875 or DineenSecurity@syr.edu |
Dialing Instructions
The following information is intended for faculty and staff use of the Syracuse University telephone system. General questions can be answered by calling Telecommunications at 443-4730.
Campus Calls: Dial the last 5 digits of the campus extension
Emergency: Dial “711”
Academic and Bar Success | Suite 418 |
Kelly K. Curtis | Associate Dean of Students; Teaching Professor | 418 | 9578 | kkcurtis@syr.edu |
Carlota Toledo | Director of Academic & Bar Success | xxx | 315-436-8338 | ctoledo@syr.edu |
Tara Andryshak | Associate Director of Academic and Bar Support | xxx | xxxx | tlandrys@syr.edu |
Lou Lou Delmarsh | Assistant Director of Academic and Bar Success | 419 | 3681 | mldelmar@syr.edu |
Kate Shannon | Assistant Director of Academic and Bar Success | 219 | 2036 | mshann01@syr.edu |
Advancement and External Affairs | Suite 402 | Phone 1964 | Fax 4585 |
Melissa Cassidy | Assistant Dean for Advancement | 402B | 9534 | mpcassid@syr.edu |
Frederick (Fritz) Diddle | Associate Director of Development | 402A | 1339 | fjdiddle@syr.edu |
Adrienne Lutz | Director of Alumni Relations | 402C | 9532 | algraves@syr.edu |
Budget and Business Operations | Suite 400 | Phone 4113 | Fax 7199 |
Jennifer L. Uryniak | Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration | 408D | 2017 | jlurynia@syr.edu |
Maria Czaplicki | Budget Manager | 400A | 9537 | mlczapli@syr.edu |
Jacqueline Radell | Budget and Operations Coordinator | 400 | 4729 | jmradell@syr.edu |
Abbey Maring | Business Support Associate | 400 | 1708 | aamaring@syr.edu |
Office of Career Services | Suite 214 | Phone 1941 | Fax 3086 |
Lily Yan Hughes | Assistant Dean | 220F | 9546 | lyhughes@syr.edu |
Dafni S. Kiritsis | Director of Externships and Career Services | 214G | 1941 | dkiritsi@syr.edu |
Kevin Shults | Associate Director of Career Services | 214 | 1941 | kjshults@syr.edu |
Barry Weiss | Special Advisor to the Office of Career Services | 214 | 1941 | bsweiss@syr.edu |
Nina Bendo | Administrative Assistant | 214 | 1941 | abendo@syr.edu |
Centers and Institutes |
Disability Law & Policy Program
Katherine A. Macfarlane | Associate Professor of Law; Director, Disability Law and Policy Program | 405 | 1934 | kamacfar@syr.edu |
Anna Dallam | Faculty Support Staff | 311 | 5019 | atdallam@syr.edu |
Externship Programs
Dafni S. Kiritsis | Director of Externships and Career Services | 214G | 1941 | dkiritsi@syr.edu |
Andrew S. Horsfall | Study Abroad Program “LondonEx” Specialist | 217D | 3583 | ashorsfa@syr.edu |
Innovation Law Center (ILC)
Brian Gerling | Executive Director, Innovation Law Center; Professor of Practice | 310 | 2534 | bjgerlin@syr.edu |
Molly C. Zimmermann | Adjunct Professor, Innovation Law Center | 310A | 8943 | mzimme01@syr.edu |
Patrick Cramer | Innovation Law Center Program Manager | 310 | 8933 | pcramer@syr.edu |
Dominick Danna | Engineer-In-Residence; Adjunct Professor of Law | 310 | 2401 | ddanna@syr.edu |
Dave Eilers | Entrepreneur-In-Residence, Innovation Law Center; Adjunct Professor of Law | 310 | 1109 | djeilers@syr.edu |
Karen M. Scullion | Program Coordinator | 310 | 2401 | kmsculli@syr.edu |
Syracuse Intellectual Property Law Institute (SIPLI)
Shubha Ghosh | Crandall Melvin Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse Intellectual Property Law Institute | 320 | 2532 | sghosh01@syr.edu |
Center on Property, Citizenship, and Social Entrepreneurism
Robin Paul Malloy | Ernest I. White Chair and Distinguished Professor of Law; Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Director, Center on Property, Citizenship, and Social Entrepreneurism; Professor of Economics, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (by courtesy appointment) | 414 | 3559 | rpmalloy@syr.edu |
Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law
SPL Faculty Affiliates: C. Cora True-Frost, Lauryn Gouldin, Andrew T. Kim
James E. Baker | Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law; Professor of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (by courtesy appointment) | 300E | 2284 | jebaker@syr.edu |
William C. Banks | Professor of Law Emeritus | 412 | 3678 | wcbanks@syr.edu |
Keli Perrin | Associate Teaching Professor, Managing Director | 300H | 3424 | kaperrin@syr.edu |
Laurie Hobart | Associate Teaching Professor | 300F | 9541 | lnhobart@syr.edu |
Maria Cudowska | Faculty Fellow | 300I | 6655 | mcudowsk@syr.edu |
Kristen Duda | Office Coordinator III | 300 | 2284 | krduda@syr.edu |
For a complete listing of SPL, please see http://securitypolicylaw.syr.edu/ |
Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media
Keith J. Bybee | Vice Dean; Paul E. and Honorable Joanne F. Alper ’72 Judiciary Studies Professor; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Director, Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media; Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute | 408C | 2529 | kjbybee@syr.edu |
Chris Ramsdell | Office Coordinator IV | 311 | 9542 | ceramsde@syr.edu |
For a complete listing of the IJPM, please see http://jpm.syr.edu |
Office of Clinical Legal EducationBankruptcy Law; Transactional Law; Criminal Defense; Disability Rights; Externships; Low Income Taxpayer; Securities Arbitration/Consumer Law; Housing Law; Veterans Legal Clinic | Suite 200 | Phone 4582 | Fax 3636 |
Elizabeth G. Kubala | Teaching Professor; Executive Director, Office of Clinical Legal Education; Director of the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic; Director of Veteran and Military Affairs for the College of Law | 200M | 8420 | egkubala@syr.edu |
Robert G. Nassau | Teaching Professor; Director, Sherman F. Levy ’57, L’59 Low Income Taxpayer Clinic | 200Q | 4582 | rnassau@syr.edu |
Todd A. Berger | Professor of Law; Director, Advocacy Programs | 200L | 9552 | taberger@syr.edu |
Edward J. Fintel | Adjunct Professor, Bankruptcy Clinic | xxx | xxxx | ejfintel@syr.edu |
Lee E. Woodard | Adjunct Professor, Bankruptcy Clinic | xxx | xxxx | lewoodar@syr.edu |
Suzette M. Meléndez | Teaching Professor; Director, Syracuse Medical-Legal Partnership | 200P | 3437 | smmelend@syr.edu |
Jessica R. Murray | Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Transactional Law Clinic | 200K | 5405 | jrmurray@syr.edu |
Casey Weissman-Vermeulen | Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Housing Clinic | 200N | 5292 | mcweissm@syr.edu |
Michael A. Schwartz | Associate Professor of Law | 200J | 1976 | maschw01@syr.edu |
Thomas M. Leith | Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Criminal Defense Clinic | 200O | 3036 | tleith@syr.edu |
Vikki Mossotti | Law Clinic Administrator | xxx | 9545 | vmossott@syr.edu |
Colleen Denick | Office Coordinator | 200 | 4582 | chdenick@syr.edu |
Communications and Marketing | Suite 402 | Phone 1964 | Fax 4585 |
Lily Yan Hughes | Assistant Dean | 220F | 9546 | lyhughes@syr.edu |
Andrea Parisi | Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications | 402D | 1965 | aparisi@syr.edu |
Rob Conrad | Director of Communications & Media Relations | 402F | 9536 | rtconrad@syr.edu |
Jordan Bruenger | Associate Director of Communications | 402G | 1521 | jlbrueng@syr.edu |
Office of the Dean | Suite 408 | Phone 2524 | Fax 4213 |
Terence J. Lau | Dean and Professor of Law | 408G | 9580 | tjlau@syr.edu |
Keith J. Bybee | Vice Dean; Paul E. and Honorable Joanne F. Alper ’72 Judiciary Studies Professor; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Director, Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media; Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute | 408C | 2529 | kjbybee@syr.edu |
Kristen Barnes | Associate Dean for Faculty Research; Professor of Law | 425 | 1798 | gkbarnes@syr.edu |
Kelly K. Curtis | Associate Dean of Students; Teaching Professor | 418 | 9578 | kkcurtis@syr.edu |
Melissa Cassidy | Assistant Dean for Advancement | 402B | 9534 | mpcassid@syr.edu |
Shannon P. Gardner | Associate Dean for Online Education; Teaching Professor | 408E | 2926 | spryan03@syr.edu |
Lily Yan Hughes | Assistant Dean | 220F | 9546 | lyhughes@syr.edu |
Jennifer L. Uryniak | Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration | 408D | 2017 | jlurynia@syr.edu |
Ginny Ottman | Executive Assistant | 408F | 9580 | vaottman@syr.edu |
Katie Lipp | Administrative Specialist II | 408 | 2525 | kalipp@syr.edu |
Erin Bishop | Administrative Assistant I | 408 | 2524 | epbishop@syr.edu |
Admissions | Suite 100 | Phone 1962 | Fax 9568 |
Lily Yan Hughes | Assistant Dean | 220F | 9546 | lyhughes@syr.edu |
Steve Budgar | Director of Admissions & Enrollment | 100D | 1962 | sbudgar@syr.edu |
Danielle Burgo | Associate Director of Admissions & Enrollment | xxx | 1962 | dlburgo@syr.edu |
Trinity Curtis | Orange Advance Program Manager | xxx | 1962 | trcurtis@syr.edu |
Cheryl Hosford | Recruitment & Operations Coordinator | 100B | 1962 | cahosfor@syr.edu |
Evangelos Theodorou | Assistant Director of Enrollment Operations and Data | 100 | 9557 | evtheodo@syr.edu |
Natalie Dolenga | Administrative Specialist | 100 | 1962 | nfdoleng@syr.edu |
Financial Aid | Suite 100 | Phone 1962 | Fax 9568 |
Kristin A. Shea | Director of Graduate and Law Financial Aid | 100A | 1962 | kashea@syr.edu |
Elle Boone | Assistant Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid | 100C | 1901 | eboone@syr.edu |
Events and Facilities | Suite 215 | Phone 1786 | Fax 4026 |
Joel Whitney | Director of IT, Data, and Facilities | 215C | 3418 | jpwhitne@syr.edu |
Kristina Poletto | Events and Facilities Coordinator | 215B | 1786 | kmpolett@syr.edu |
Ellen King | Exam Administrator | 215A | 4884 | efking@syr.edu |
Event/Room Requests | Room Request Form | |||
Facilities Requests | LawFacilities@syr.edu |
Faculty (Full-Time) |
Courtney Abbott Hill | Associate Teaching Professor | 427 | 6753 | cabbotth@syr.edu |
Rakesh K. Anand | Professor of Law | 476 | 2323 | rkanand@syr.edu |
Robert Ashford | Professor of Law | 426 | 1111 | ashford@syr.edu |
Elizabeth A. August | Teaching Professor | 307 | 1907 | eaaugust@syr.edu |
James E. Baker | Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law; Professor of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (by courtesy appointment) | 300E | 2284 | jebaker@syr.edu |
Kristen Barnes | Associate Dean for Faculty Research; Professor of Law | 425 | 1798 | gkbarnes@syr.edu |
Todd A. Berger | Professor of Law; Director, Advocacy Programs | 200L | 9552 | taberger@syr.edu |
Peter D. Blanck | University Professor; Chairman, Burton Blatt Institute | 446 | 9703 | pblanck@syr.edu |
Craig M. Boise | Professor of Law | 408G | 9580 | cmboise@syr.edu |
Jennifer S. Breen | Associate Professor of Law | 321 | 2392 | jsbreen@syr.edu |
Emily Brown | Associate Teaching Professor | 305 | 9992 | embrow04@syr.edu |
Keith J. Bybee | Vice Dean; Paul E. and Honorable Joanne F. Alper ’72 Judiciary Studies Professor; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Director, Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media; Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute | 408C | 2529 | kjbybee@syr.edu |
Sanjay K. Chhablani | Laura J. & L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence 2017-2020; Professor of Law; Adjunct Professor, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute, College of Arts and Sciences | 316 | 2531 | schhablani@syr.edu |
Leigha C. Crout | Associate Professor of Law | 403 | 6562 | lccrout@syr.edu |
Maria Cudowska | Faculty Fellow | 300I | 6655 | mcudowsk@syr.edu |
Kelly K. Curtis | Associate Dean of Students; Teaching Professor | 418 | 9578 | kkcurtis@syr.edu |
Lisa A. Dolak | Angela S. Cooney Professor of Law 2009-2022; Professor of Law | 416 | 9581 | ladolak@syr.edu |
David M. Driesen | University Professor | 422 | 4218 | ddriesen@syr.edu |
Jan Fleckenstein | Teaching Professor; Director of the Law Library | 228C | 9571 | jflecken@syr.edu |
Shannon P. Gardner | Associate Dean for Online Education; Teaching Professor | 312 | 2926 | spryan03@syr.edu |
Brian Gerling | Professor of Practice; Executive Director, Innovation Law Center | 310 | 2534 | bjgerlin@syr.edu |
Gregory L. Germain | Professor of Law | 314 | 3757 | glgermai@syr.edu |
Shubha Ghosh | Crandall Melvin Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse Intellectual Property Law Institute | 320 | 2532 | sghosh01@syr.edu |
Antonio Gidi | Teaching Professor | 322 | 9987 | agidi@syr.edu |
Lauryn P. Gouldin | Laura J. & L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence 2022-2025; Crandall Melvin Professor of Law; Director, Syracuse Civics Initiative | 472 | 9547 | lgouldin@syr.edu |
Jack M. Graves | Teaching Professor | xxx | xxxx | jmgraves@syr.edu |
Andrew S. Greenberg | Teaching Professor | 470 | 7654 | asgreenb@syr.edu |
Margaret M. Harding | Professor of Law | 424 | 3677 | mharding@syr.edu |
Laurie Hobart | Associate Teaching Professor | 300I | 9541 | lnhobart@syr.edu |
Paula C. Johnson | Professor of Law; Director, Cold Case Justice Initiative | 429 | 3364 | pcjohnso@syr.edu |
Gary T. Kelder | Professor of Law | 328 | 1179 | gtkelder@syr.edu |
Andrew T. Kim | Professor of Law | 323 | 9170 | atkim@syr.edu |
Nina A. Kohn | David M. Levy L’48 Professor of Law | 420 | 6565 | nakohn@syr.edu |
Elizabeth G. Kubala | Teaching Professor; Executive Director, Office of Clinical Legal Education; Director of the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic; Director of Veteran and Military Affairs for the College of Law | 200M | 8420 | egkubala@syr.edu |
Laura G. Lape | Associate Professor of Law | 324 | 7195 | lglape@syr.edu |
Terence J. Lau | Dean and Professor of Law | 408G | 9580 | tjlau@syr.edu |
Thomas M. Leith | Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Clinical Defense Clinic | 200O | 3036 | tleith@syr.edu |
Monica M. Luna | Teaching Professor | 309 | 4609 | mtodd01@syr.edu |
Katherine A. Macfarlane | Associate Professor of Law; Director, Disability Law and Policy Program | 405 | 1934 | kamacfar@syr.edu |
Kevin Noble Maillard | Professor of Law | 330 | 4236 | maillard@syr.edu |
Robin Paul Malloy | Ernest I. White Chair and Distinguished Professor of Law; Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Director, Center on Property, Citizenship, and Social Entrepreneurism; Professor of Economics, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs (by courtesy appointment) | 414 | 3559 | rpmalloy@syr.edu |
Suzette M. Meléndez | Teaching Professor; Director, Syracuse Medical-Legal Partnership | 200P | 3437 | smmelend@syr.edu |
Aliza M. Milner | Teaching Professor; Director, Legal Communication and Research | 478 | 1861 | amilner@syr.edu |
Jessica R. Murray | Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Transactional Law Clinic | 200K | 5405 | jrmurray@syr.edu |
Robert G. Nassau | Teaching Professor; Director, Sherman F. Levy ’57, L’59 Low Income Taxpayer Clinic | 200Q | 4582 | rnassau@syr.edu |
Keli Perrin | Associate Teaching Professor; Managing Director, Institute for Security Policy and Law | 300H | 3424 | kaperrin@syr.edu |
Richard S. Risman | Teaching Professor | 430 | (315) 439-0071 | rsrisman@syr.edu |
Michael A. Schwartz | Associate Professor of Law | 200J | 1976 | maschw01@syr.edu |
Kent Syverud | Chancellor and President, Syracuse University | CHH600 | ||
Mary Szto | Teaching Professor | 413 | 2122 | mcszto@syr.edu |
Daniel Traficonte | Associate Professor of Law | 415 | 4108 | dmtrafic@syr.edu |
C. Cora True-Frost | Bond, Schoeneck and King Distinguished Professor; Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence; Professor of Law | 474 | 6351 | ctruefrost@syr.edu |
Kristin L. Walker | Professor of Practice; Faculty Director of Externships | 421 | 1205 | klzook@syr.edu |
Richard Wallach | Visiting Professor | 401 | 3257 | rbwallac@syr.edu |
A. Joseph Warburton | Professor of Law; Professor of Finance, Whitman School of Management | 318 | 2535 | warburto@syr.edu |
Casey Weissman-Vermeulen | Associate Teaching Professor; Director, Housing Clinic | 200N | 5292 | mcweissm@syr.edu |
Danielle Wild | Associate Teaching Professor | 417 | 4105 | dcwixson@syr.edu |
Faculty (Emeriti) |
William C. Banks | Professor of Law Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | wcbanks@syr.edu |
Peter A. Bell | Professor of Law Emeritus | 326 | 3652 | pabell@syr.edu |
Leslie Bender | Professor of Law Emerita | xxx | xxxx | lbender@syr.edu |
Christian C. Day | Professor of Law Emeritus | 423 | 3650 | ccday@syr.edu |
Richard A. Ellison | Professor of Law Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | raelliso@syr.edu |
Thomas R. French | Professor of Law Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | trfrench@syr.edu |
Martin L. Fried | Crandall Melvin Professor of Estates and Trusts Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | mlfried@syr.edu |
Ian Gallacher | Professor of Law Emeritus | 303 | 4105 | igallach@syr.edu |
Hilary K. Josephs | Dean’s Distinguished Research Scholar of Asian Law Emerita | xxx | xxxx | hkjoseph@syr.edu |
Arlene S. Kanter | Laura J. & L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence 2005-2008; Professor of Law Emerita; Founding Director, Disability Law & Policy Program 2005-2023; Professor of Disability Studies, School of Education (by courtesy appointment). | xxx | xxx | kantera@syr.edu |
Travis H. D. Lewin | Professor of Law Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | thlewin@syr.edu |
Thomas J. Maroney | Professor of Law Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | tjmarone@syr.edu |
Janis L. McDonald | Professor of Law Emerita | xxx | xxxx | jlmcdona@syr.edu |
Mary Helen McNeal | Professor of Law Emerita | xxx | xxxx | mhmcneal@syr.edu |
Kathleen O’Connor | Teaching Professor Emerita | xxx | xxxx | kmocon02@syr.edu |
Robert J. Rabin | Professor of Law Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | rrabin@syr.edu |
Sarah H. Ramsey | Laura J. & L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence 2006-2009; Professor of Law Emerita | xxx | xxxx | shramsey4019@gmail.com |
William M. Wiecek | Chester Adgate Congdon Professor of Public Law and Legislation Emeritus | xxx | xxxx | wmwiecek@syr.edu |
Faculty Support Staff | Suite 311 | Fax 4141 |
Chris Ramsdell | Office Coordinator IV | 311 | 9542 | ceramsde@syr.edu |
Anna Dallam | Faculty Support Staff | 311 | 5019 | atdallam@syr.edu |
Information Technology | Suite 215 | Phone 9561 | Fax 4026 |
Tech Support | lawhelp@syr.edu | |||
Joel Whitney | Director of IT, Data, and Facilities | 215C | 3418 | jpwhitne@syr.edu |
Yumei Hou | Systems Administrator/Web Developer | xxx | xxxx | yhou01@syr.edu |
Kyle Davis | AV Media Specialist | 215E | 1307 | ejdavis@syr.edu |
Chris Markle | Functional Business Analyst | 215B | 3260 | cgmarkle@syr.edu |
Tobias Coyne | Computer Consultant l | 215 | 9561 | tocoyne@syr.edu |
Law Library | lawlibrary@syr.edu | Fax 9567 |
Circulation Desk | 140 | 9570 | lawcirc@syr.edu | |
Reference Desk | 140 | 9572 | lawreferencedesk@syr.edu | |
Jan Fleckenstein | Teaching Professor; Director of the Law Library | 228C | 9571 | jflecken@syr.edu |
Enid L. Darby | Collection Management Supervisor | 228E | 9564 | eldarby@syr.edu |
Christine M. Demetros | Associate Director; Research & Collections | 140F | 9531 | cmdemetr@syr.edu |
Betsy Easson | Library Technician – Serials | 228 | 9564 | ereasson@syr.edu |
Yage Huang | Reference Librarian for Faculty and Outreach Servies | 140A | 9562 | yaghuang@syr.edu |
Aly N. Marzouq | Access Services Supervisor | 140E | 9560 | anmarzou@syr.edu |
Donna C. Movsovich | Catalog Librarian, Part-Time | 228H | 9564 | dcmovsov@syr.edu |
Jessica L. Petitto | Technical Services Librarian | 228D | 9564 | jlpetitt@syr.edu |
Josephine Scanlon | Library Technician – Circulation | 140E | 9560 | jscanlon@syr.edu |
Sidney A. Sinclair | Catalog & Archives Librarian | 228F | 9564 | salanier@syr.edu |
Martin Ambroz | Electronic Services Librarian | 228A | 9536 | amart287@syr.edu |
Neporent Café | Suite 026 | Phone 2870 |
Online J.D. (JDinteractive) |
Shannon Gardner | Associate Dean for Online Education; Teaching Professor | 312 | 2926 | spryan03@syr.edu |
Stephanie K. Rinko | Assistant Director of Online Programs | 220G | 2540 | skrinko@syr.edu |
Monica E. Wilmot | Office Coordinator, Online Programs | 220E | mewilmot@syr.edu |
College of Law Registrar’s Office | Suite 217 |
Kelly Campbell | University Registrar | 217E | 1034 | kmnieder@syr.edu |
Blythe Scherrer | Associate Registrar | 217D | 9196 | bjscherr@syr.edu |
Lu Carvalho | Assistant Registrar | 217C | 4500 | locarval@syr.edu |
Annette Jenner-Matthews | Senior Access Coordinator | 224 | 9409 | arjenner@syr.edu |
Samantha Lee Hemingway | Registrar Records Analyst | 217 | 7043 | sheming@syr.edu |
Student Records Requests | lawstudentrecords@syr.edu |
Student Experience | Suite 220 | Phone 1146 | Fax 9719 |
Kelly K. Curtis | Associate Dean of Students; Teaching Professor | 418 | 9578 | kkcurtis@syr.edu |
Ryan Barker | Director of Student Experience | 220G | 9829 | rjbarker@syr.edu |
Vicki Donella | Assistant Director of Student Experience | 220F | 1222 | vfdonell@syr.edu |
Richard Curtis | Administrative Specialist | 220 | 1146 | rpcurtis@syr.edu |
Deb Ward | Administrative Assistant (Part-time) | 220 | 1146 | dlward@syr.edu |
Student Publications/Senate/Moot Court |
Digest, NIABA Law Journal | 346 | ||
Impunity Watch | 346 | ||
Journal of International Law & Commerce | 346 | ||
Syracuse Law Review | 344 | 3680 | |
Syracuse Journal of Science & Technology | 346 | ||
Student Bar Association | 346C | ||
Moot Court | 010 | 2230 | |
Todd Berger – Professor of Law; Director, Advocacy Programs | 200L | 9552 | taberger@syr.edu |
tba | 413 | 2122 | lawws08@syr.edu |
Study Abroad Program Specialist |
Andrew Horsfall | Study Abroad Program Specialist | ashorsfa@syr.edu |