Understanding Student Loans and Repayment
The Office of Financial Aid is committed to helping students understand their loans and develop a successful repayment strategy. To learn the basics of loan repayment, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page to get started.
Financial Literacy and Wellness
The cost of attending a professional graduate program can be a significant financial commitment. We encourage students to utilize personal resources and reduce expenses whenever possible.
Apply for Annual Award Opportunities and check out our curated collection of Outside Scholarship Resources. We also suggest minimizing your student loan debt by borrowing only the minimum amount necessary to meet your educational expenses.
Keep a written budget (in a notebook, a spreadsheet, or using an online app). By keeping track of all your expenses, you’ll be in better control of how you spend your resources. As the old saying goes, “Live like a student while you are a student so you can live like a lawyer when you are a lawyer.”
Syracuse Law is happy to continue working with AccessLex Institute to provide all Syracuse Law students Ask EDNA!, a comprehensive personal finance program designed exclusively for law students and available for FREE. Ask EDNA! was designed by AccessLex Institute, the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to access, affordability, and the value of legal education.

The AccessLex MAX approach combines webinars and in-person workshops, online programming, and one-on-one counseling with fully accredited financial counselors to provide a framework for students to develop the skills vital to achieving long-lasting financial well-being. Understanding law students’ busy schedules, AccessLex has built-in scholarship incentives to help MAX users maintain their motivation and momentum. In scholarship drawings throughout the academic year, AccessLex awards more than $300,000 for students to apply toward law school tuition and other expenses.
Have more questions about loan repayment or need to make a loan repayment plan?
Contact Financial Aid at LawFinAid@syr.edu or 315.443.1962.
Request a one-on-one online appointment at any time with an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®) through AccessLex Institute. Current students can use the MAX Coaching tool through their free Ask EDNA! Student portal; prospective students and alumni can use the AccessConnex by AccessLex tool on AccessLex.org.