Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic (VLC) student 3L John Hubert’s case summary of Mayfield v. McDonough, 36 Vet. App. 251 (2023), appeared in the Veterans Law Journal, 2023, Vol. III, pages 26-31, a quarterly publication of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association (CAVC).
His summary was of Mayfield v. McDonough, a case that involved a Board of Veterans’ Appeal decision that denied a request by a veteran’s surviving granddaughter to substitute herself in the veterans place to continue his benefits appeal after his death. The Veterans Law Journal provides recent case summaries of federal court cases impacting the field of veterans law, and are written by practicing veterans law attorneys. Hubert volunteered as a student contributor under the supervision of Professor Beth Kubala, Executive Director of the VLC.
“I mentioned to Professor Kubala that I wanted to get involved in academic-type writing regarding veterans law, and that’s when she told me that the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims’ Bar Association puts out the Veterans Law Journal, which provides articles and case summaries,” said Hubert. “The case I was assigned, Mayfield, was mostly decided by the CAVC on principles of federal jurisdiction, administrative law, and veterans law, and CAVC refused to grant itself the power to review the propriety of a Reviewing Office’s denial of a request for substitution. Overall it was a positive experience that I really enjoyed, and I hope to have similar opportunities such as this in the future, and it is only an example of the kinds of experiences the clinic has allowed me to have.”
“John voluntarily sought out this unique opportunity to contribute to the field of veterans law. He tackled a case involving a complex procedural issue and summarized it in a way that practicing attorneys can understand. John’s efforts directly impact the way veterans and their survivors navigate the benefits process. I’m very proud of his efforts and scholarly work,” says Kubala.
“The legal clinic at the College of Law is without a question what I am most proud, honored, and privileged to be a part of here at Syracuse,” said Hubert. “Working with Professor Kubala and the other students at the clinic has allowed me to grow professionally and personally in ways I never thought I would be able to, even strengthening my bond with one of my best friends who is an active-duty Marine.”
About The Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic
The Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic provides representation to veterans and their families who are seeking benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or upgrading an unfavorable discharge through the various military services. While representing real clients, student attorneys gain an understanding of military culture, interact with government agencies, develop case management skills, improve advocacy skills, and instill the value of pro bono service.
About The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association
The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association was created to improve and facilitate the administration of justice in the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC). The CAVC Bar Association provides information and services to the community of those interested in Veterans law, a diverse and rapidly growing area of administrative law.