Adjunct Professor Jared Landaw Discusses the NASDAQ’s Diversity Rule Being Struck Down by the Fifth Circuit

Adjunct Professor Jared Landaw recently spoke with Bloomberg after the Fifth Circuit struck down NASDAQ’s rule to compel listed companies to have a more diverse board of directors.

In the article, Landaw said smart companies send a signal when they release information about board diversity. In more than 16 years at Barington Capital Group, including as chief operating officer, he found “many under-performing companies tend to have some form of homogeneousness in the board room that’s either contributed to the problem or prevents the board from self-correcting.” Bringing in directors of different demographic and life backgrounds helped address the problem.

“A majority of S&P 500 companies disclose their diversity statistics, regardless of whether they are traded on Nasdaq,” Landaw said. “I think that’s a reflection of what investors want and have come to expect.”