Dr. Günther Schirmer, head of the Secretariat of the Committees on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and on the Election of Judges at the European Court of Human Rights at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly, recently spent time at the College of Law for a talk on Russian reparations for the war in Ukraine and to meet with students interested in an International Law career.
His discussion topic, “Accountability for Russian Aggression: A Frontline Perspective from Europe” examined the various avenues for Russian reparations to Ukraine and the international legal and political barriers that need to be addressed to hold Russian leaders accountable. The approaches discussed included establishing a special tribunal to address criminal and financial repercussions, including financial aspects of international law that are being discussed in Europe.
Dr. Schirmer also met with law students to discuss careers in international law. His advice focused on having the ability to speak another language, experience traveling abroad, and seek out internships that open your network to those involved in international law.
He was hosted by the Journal of International Law and Commerce and the Journal of Global Rights and Organizations and Impunity Watch News.