A Constitutional Law book owned by Robert E. Dineen L’1924 (the father of Robert E. Dineen Jr. L’66, Carolyn Dineen King, and Kathryn Dineen Wriston who made the naming gift of Dineen Hall in their parent’s honor) was recently donated to the College of Law’s Library. The book was purchased from a local bookseller by Tammy Alvarez, secretary to the Hon. Theodore H. Limpert L’88 who arranged for the donation through Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic Executive Director Beth Kubala.
“What an intriguing find!” says Law Library Director Jan Fleckenstein G’84, G’86, L’11. “In the Law Library we often showcase particular alumni, and we try to include books that would have been in the library collection when those alumni were students, but so far as I know we’ve never been able to display a book that we know was owned and used by an alumnus of that era, almost 100 years ago.”
She continues, “Many thanks to Ms. Alvarez for discovering the volume and to Judge Limpert for noticing the name and coordinating the donation with Professor Kubala.”
The book is “The General Principles of Constitutional Law in the United States of America, Third Edition” by Thomas M. Cooley LL.D. and Andrew C. McLaughlin A.M., LL.B., printed in 1898.
The inscription on the front inside cover has Dineen’s name, address, and class year.
The book is housed in the Peter Herzog L’55 and Brigitte Herzog L’75 Special Collections room.

Clockwise from top left: inscription by Robert E. Dineen L’1924; the book’s title page; the Hon. Theodore Limpert L’88, Tammy Alvarez, Law Library Director Jan Fleckenstein G’84, G’86, L’11; Judge Limpert; Fleckenstein, JudgeLimpert, and Alvarez view Judge Limpert’s class composite.