Professor Arlene Kanter, Founding Director of the Disability Law and Policy Program, has recently had her article, The Role of Human Rights Indicators in Assessing Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities” published in the Georgia Law Review.
The article’s abstract:
In recent years, international human rights treaties have come under attack for failing to fulfill their promise. While it may be true that human rights treaties have not realized their full potential in every case, there is little discussion about how to measure the impact of treaties. This Article explores the ways in which we measure compliance with human rights treaties, focusing on the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). The CRPD entered into force in 2008. Since then, 188 States Parties have ratified it. In addition, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recently released a set of indicators designed to measure States Parties’ progress towards implementation of the CRPD. These new “CRPD Indicators” are designed to assist States Parties as well as the CRPD Committee and other UN bodies in assessing compliance with the CRPD. This Article is the first to analyze the benefits as well as the limitations of the new CRPD Indicators.
This Article begins with an analysis of the CRPD, followed by an analysis of the ways in which the CRPD differs from other human rights treaties, including its reporting and monitoring requirements. The Article then discusses recent research on the role of human rights indicators as a tool to measure treaty compliance, followed by a discussion of the benefits and limitations of the new CRPD Indicators, as examined from a Disability Studies perspective. Assessing the role of the CRPD Indicators from a Disability Studies perspective requires a reframing of the essential role of people with disabilities and their organizations in working towards compliance and implementation of the CRPD. The Article concludes with a cautionary note regarding reliance on the CRPD Indicators as the primary tool to assess compliance with the CRPD. Although the CRPD Indicators are a helpful tool in measuring States’ progress towards compliance, they cannot replace ongoing efforts to mobilize and support disabled people in their fight for full implementation of the CRPD.
The article can be found here.
The citation is 58 Georgia Law Review 663 (2024).