Counterterrorism Law (4th. Ed.)
Professor Emeritus William C. Banks (with Stephen Dycus, Peter Raven-Hansen & Stephen I. Vladeck)
Aspen Publishing
Recent judicial rulings, legislative initiatives, and executive reforms are prominently featured in the Fourth Edition of Counterterrorism Law. The additional rulings and updates to this edition help refine our understanding of relevant government structures, processes, and institutions, and they raise critically important new questions. They also address new threats and breathtaking advances in technology.

Counterterrorism Law and National Security Law (Supp. 2021)
Professor Emeritus William C. Banks (with Stephen Dycus, Peter Raven-Hansen & Stephen I. Vladeck)
Aspen Publishing
It is an increasingly Herculean task to stay abreast of developments in our field, given their dizzying pace and substantive breadth. Even with new editions of National Security Law and Counterterrorism Law recently published, the 2021–2022 Supplement will help students and teachers stay up to date during the coming academic year. By including the most important recent cases, legislation, and executive branch actions, the new Supplement also underscores the critical work that lawyers do to keep this nation both safe and free.

Bankruptcy Law and Practice, a Casebook Designed to Train Lawyers for the Practice of Bankruptcy Law (4th Ed.)
Professor Gregory Germain
This is the fourth edition of Bankruptcy Law and Practice, a Casebook Designed to Train Lawyers for the Practice of Bankruptcy Law. It is designed for a one-semester course in debtor/creditor law and bankruptcy. The book deals with both creditor remedies and debtor protections, starting with state law collection remedies, exemptions, and the important special protections for secured creditors under both Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code and state real property recording acts. After a thorough review of state law debt collection practice, the book covers the basics of straight bankruptcy law with a focus on Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, both for individuals and businesses. Although the book has a practice focus, it covers the major Supreme Court cases, and important appellate cases with an emphasis on areas of uncertainty. The book also emphasizes the Bankruptcy Code itself, using problem sets to get students to work through the language of the Bankruptcy Code.
At the end of the book are two abbreviated chapters on bankruptcy reorganizations for consumers under Chapter 13 and for businesses under Chapter 11. These chapters are intended to outline the reasons that debtors choose to file for reorganization rather than liquidation and focuses on the rules for confirming a plan.
The primary goal of the book is to prepare students for the practice of bankruptcy law. Students who understand these materials should be well prepared to anticipate and address the kinds of issues that arise in real bankruptcy cases, whether in a small-dollar consumer practice or a big-dollar corporate reorganization. Students will learn the language of commercial law and bankruptcy, along with the skills to find their way around the Bankruptcy Code.

Learning Contracts (3d ed.)
Teaching Professor Jack Graves (with Henry Alan Blair) West Academic Publishing
This is not Professor Kingsfield’s casebook. In fact, there’s very little that’s traditional about Learning Contracts.
Instead, Learning Contracts organizes the waterfront of core contract law, theory, and policy into fifty discrete lessons. While the book works seamlessly in bricks-and-mortar classes, it was expressly built for today’s increasingly diverse world of online, flipped, hybrid or blended learning formats, and it works uniquely well in each of these settings. Moreover, the newest edition of Learning Contracts puts professors in the driver’s seat, offering unparalleled customizability and flexibility.
Each lesson begins with clearly articulated outcomes, which are followed by highly structured presentations, detailed explanations, illustrative examples, and helpful summaries, all working together to make the doctrine, theory, and policy of contracts readily accessible to students. Additionally, each and every lesson employs a comprehensive and consistent comparative approach, systematically addressing not only the common law but also UCC Article 2 and the Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
Like other titles in the Learning series, Learning Contracts relies on very few cases. The examples in each lesson are frequently based on classic contracts cases—and the robust supplemental materials offer edited texts of cases for many lessons for those who want to inject more case method into their class. But rather than relying heavily on the case method, which can often leave students hanging, Learning Contracts provides students with the tools they need to learn the basic law in advance and spend the vast majority of their class time putting doctrine, theory, and policy into practice while working through problems presented at the end of each lesson and in the supplemental materials.
Just as the book doesn’t leave students hanging, this edition of Learning Contracts doesn’t leave professors hanging. It comes with a trove of supplemental materials, all developed specifically for this book. The supplemental materials include a robust teacher’s manual, additional in-class problems, longer problems with model explanations and answers that can be used for quizzes or sample exams, multiple-choice questions (with detailed explanations) designed for this book, additional fully edited cases for many lessons, and PowerPoint slides for use with each lesson.

Law and the Invisible Hand: A Theory of Adam Smith Jurisprudence
Professor Robin Paul Malloy
Cambridge University Press
A contemporary interpretation of Adam Smith’s work on jurisprudence, revealing Smith’s belief that progress emerges from cooperation and a commitment to justice. In Smith’s theory, the tension between self–interest and the interests of others is mediated by law, so that the common interest of the community can be promoted. Moreover, Smith informs us that successful societies do at least three things well. They promote the common interest, advance justice through the rule of law, and they facilitate our natural desire to truck, barter, and exchange. In this process, the law functions as an invisible force that holds society together and keeps it operating smoothly and productively. Law enhances social cooperation, facilitates trade, and extends the market. In these ways, the law functions like Adam Smith’s invisible hand, guiding and facilitating the progress of humankind.