Headed West: JDinteractive Students Travel to Denver for Arbitration Residency

Embarking on the final stretch of their law school journey, upper-level Online JDinteractive (JDi) Program students face the pivotal and exciting task of selecting from a list of Advanced Legal Topics residencies that align with their interests. From busy cities in the United States to international landscapes of Geneva, Switzerland, and Rome, Italy, the options are as diverse as the students themselves.

three women smile and talk to each other outside on the streets of Denver, CO
JDi students arrive in Denver for a week of learning and networking.

This year, 17 JDi students selected to enroll in the Arbitration Residency, held in Denver, Colorado from January 2-5, 2024 at the turn of the New Year. Four Master of Law’s LL.M. students also elected to enroll in the course, enriching conversations from the perspective of foreign law graduates.

four LLM students smile at the camera, standing in a brightly lite room at a networking event
Four Syracuse Law LL.M. students enrolled in the Residential Course alongside their JDi classmates.

Jack Graves taught the class at the law firm of Sherman & Howard courtesy of Skip Netzorg L’76, providing an introduction to the law and practice of arbitration. Arbitration serves as a legally binding and fully enforceable mechanism for the resolution of commercial and other disputes. Expanding beyond the realm of U.S. federal law governing arbitration, participants delved into various institutional arbitration rules, elements of federal labor law, international laws overseeing arbitration, and an international treaty supporting the global enforcement of arbitration agreements and awards.

man stands behind a classroom full of students, holding up his hands and speaking to the group
Jack Graves speaks to Residency class students about Arbitration law.

While not categorized as a skills course, the program significantly emphasized the practical aspects of arbitration. Students drafted effective arbitration agreements, navigated the enforcement of such agreements during dispute occurrences, conducted fair and efficient arbitration proceedings, and learned about enforcing the final awards issued by the arbitrator(s). By the end of the intensive course, students gained a solid foundational understanding of arbitration’s use in conclusively resolving legal disputes, coupled with insights into the common issues arising during the drafting and implementation of arbitration agreements.

man stands in front of a classroom full of students with laptops open, teaching them
Students gather for class time to learn about Arbitration Law.

In addition to newfound knowledge about Arbitration, students enjoyed an alumni networking event at the Wynkoop Brewery to meet our Powerful Orange Law Network in the local Denver area. They also enjoyed a fireside chat with Mark Neporent L’82 and Dean Craig Boise, providing advice about entering the legal profession and navigating through the transitions that inevitably follow, which in Neporent’s case included moving from law firm to in-house practice, and then to the C-suite of one of the largest hedge funds in the world.

two men sit in front of students gathered in seats at a fireside chat in a classroom
Students gather for a “Fireside Chat” with Mark Neporent L’82 and Dean Craig Boise.

A few students opted to bring their families to Denver along with them to enjoy the city while they were in class. Spouses and children were able to attend the night and networking events and had a chance to meet their classmates and other families, fostering a sense of community and connection that extends beyond the confines of the program.

three images of instagram takeovers, featuring JDi students smiling for the camera, and the iconic Denver blue bear looking into a building window
Click the image to view an Instagram takeover from the Denver Arbitration Residency.