
Orange Flex Success: Third Year Away as a Judicial Law Clerk Extern at U.S. District Court

Carly standing in front of the Western District of New York, United States District Court sign

Carly Cross L’24
US District Court, Western District of New York in Buffalo, NY

Carly Cross L’24 is a first-generation college and law student. During her undergraduate career, she completed an internship with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of New York (WDNY), where her passion for learning about the law came to fruition.

She later enrolled in Syracuse Law in 2021, soon undertaking more internship experiences as she planned her future career. Cross has since interned with the New York State Office of the Attorney General and Goldman Sachs Ayco Personal Financial Management. This semester, she elected to complete an externship with the United States District Court for the Western District of New York, working as a Judicial Law Clerk Extern for the Hon. Lawrence J. Vilardo in Buffalo, NY. Taking advantage of the Orange Flex program, she is spending her final semester living and working in Buffalo while completing her classes online through the JDinteractive program.

Carly standing in front of a warmly lit space

“I love that I get to be in court every day. Whenever Judge Vilardo is on the bench, I am present to observe the proceedings…I will be walking away from this externship knowing that I have aided in the drafting, writing, and editing of various federal judicial orders.”

Carly Cross L’24

The Externship Opportunity Fund made this unpaid externship and year away from Syracuse a possibility for Cross. She explains that she knew going into her 3L year she would be working for free, but “it was a risk I was willing to take because I knew that the opportunity waiting for me at the WDNY was going to change the trajectory of my career and life.”

Through working at her externship, Cross has solidified her conviction that she is heading in the right direction for her career and has developed a heightened enthusiasm for public interest and governmental service.

Carly looking off into the distance in front of a fountain

“I love that I get to be in court every day,” she explains. “Whenever Judge Vilardo is on the bench, I am present to observe the proceedings. I have found that I can learn just as much by attending a status conference as I can learn from attending a trial. I get to observe bright and brilliant attorneys in practice every day, which is helpful because I am someone who learns by the examples set in front of me. I also love that I get to improve my legal research and writing skills. A lot of my time is spent preparing screening orders for pro se litigant complaints filed in our District. I will be walking away from this externship knowing that I have aided in the drafting, writing, and editing of various federal judicial orders.”

Despite not being on campus, Cross is still involved with her classmates and community back in Syracuse. She serves as a Notes & Comment Editor for the Journal of International Law and Commerce, assisting 2L members with their notes they are preparing in hope of publication, and works as a Research Assistant in the Appellate Advocacy Skills course. She also served as the Student Representative for the Law School Faculty Curriculum Committee for the 2022-2023 school year, is the Treasurer of the Criminal Law Society, and is an Appellate Division Member of the Travis H.D. Lewin Advocacy Honor Society.

Carly sitting in a coffee shop writing in front of a window

Cross is optimistic and excited about her post-graduate career. “Spending my third year of law school in the format of an externship has been truly invaluable for me,” she says. “I have been able to focus on fine-tuning my legal writing skills while learning how to write for an audience I have never written for. I also think this externship will give me a great edge when beginning my post-law grad career, as my knowledge and understanding of the federal court system is becoming vast (though I will never stop learning).”

She believes that taking advantage of externship opportunities as a law student will never hurt you. They will teach what you like and what you don’t like, and they may help you discover new passions you would have otherwise never thought of pursuing.

Carly crossing the street

Expressing enduring gratitude for the mentors and influences in her life, particularly during challenging times, she extends her heartfelt thanks to those who have supported her and encouraged her to pursue her goals. Because of that support, “I was able to keep trudging along,” she says. “And eventually, the trudging with my head down turned into walking steadily with my head held high.”

Professor Emeritus William C. Banks Discusses the Texas National Guard and the Southern Border Emeritus William C. Banks spoke with the Christian Science Monitor on the Texas National Guard’s role in patrolling the southern U.S. border.

In the article “Texas National Guard tests state authority on U.S. southern border”, Banks says

“No state can use the National Guard in a way that offends the United States Constitution, or the supremacy of federal law. What’s going on now in Texas, viewed a certain way, is Abbott is interfering in a federal power over immigration.”

3L Iris Guzman and 2L Nikolaus Merz Win the 46th Annual Lionel O. Grossman Trial Competition

3L Iris Guzman and 2L Nikolaus Merz prevailed over 3L Rachel Wallisky and 2L John Rutecki in the 46th Annual Lionel O. Grossman Trial Competition. Rutecki was named Best Advocate.

The final round was judged by the Hon. John F. Boyd II L’16 (Manlius, NY Town Judge), Diana G. Rogatch G’21, L’21 (Associate, Bousquet Holstein PLLC), and the Hon. Jean Marie Westlake L’01 (New York State Supreme Court Justice, 5th Judicial District).

The Hon. John F. Boyd II, Nikolaus Merz, the Hon. Jean Marie Westlake, Iris Guzman, and Diana G. Rogatch

Professor Greg Germain on Trump Gag Order: “He Could Face Direct Criminal Contempt”

Professor Greg Germain recently spoke with Newsweek about the gag order issued to Donald Trump in the Stormy Daniels hush money case.

Germain said, “apart from making comments outside of court, Trump could face ‘direct criminal contempt’ proceedings while appearing in person at the Daniels trial.”

“If Trump did not control himself in court, for example, if he insulted the judge in court, the judge could hold him in direct contempt and put him in jail for a few days or something like that,” said Germain.

Germain added that, in addition to direct and indirect criminal contempt of court, Trump could also face civil contempt proceedings.

“Civil contempt is to force future compliance with an order. If Trump was ordered to do something, like turn over his passport or testify, and refused, he could be put in jail until he agreed to comply,” he said.

Syracuse University College of Law Recognized by preLaw Magazine as a Best Law School for Practical Training

Syracuse University College of Law was recognized in the Spring 2024 edition of preLaw Magazine in their Best Law Schools for Practical Training. Based on preLaw’s methodology, the College of Law received a B+ rating.

The rankings consider clinics, pro bono, externships, simulation courses, moot court, and other practical training such as legal communication and research courses.

The College of Law offers six legal clinics (with a seventh, the Housing Clinic, starting in Fall 2024) and many opportunities to participate in intracollegiate and intercollegiate moot court competitions through the Advocacy Honor Society. Students can further specialize in advocacy through our joint J.D./LL.M. in Advocacy and Litigation which provides a focused advanced degree option for those interested in a career in litigation or advocacy.

The Office of Career Services collaborates with local attorneys who perform public interest work to provide pro bono opportunities to students and to serve the community and works with students to secure externships around the country tailored to their individual career goals. Likewise, students have many experiential learning opportunities to choose from that provide practical training for careers in law.

preLaw Magazine Recognizes Syracuse University College of Law’s JDinteractive Program as One of the Best Online J.D. Programs

In the Spring 2024 preLaw Magazine, Syracuse University College of Law’s JDinteractive Program was recognized as one of the best online J.D. programs.

The magazine also spoke with Associate Dean for Online Education Shannon Gardner, who highlighted JDinteractive’s unique in-person residencies.

In each residency, students will engage with classmates through a condensed in-person class complemented by social and networking events. The collaborative nature of the residency programming encourages teamwork and enhances the learning experience and growth toward your career. Plus, Orange alumni who are leaders in their fields are lecturers and hosts at locations worldwide.

Students sit around a large oval table at JetBlue
Students went to JetBlue headquarters in New York City during a Residency in August 2023 to discuss asset finance.

“For example, Holland & Knight partner and alumnus Richard Furey taught an asset financing course in New York City last August,” Gardner said. “Our dean has expertise in international taxation and hosts a course every other year in Geneva, Switzerland, on international tax law.” 

As the legal profession continues to evolve, JDinteractive remains at the forefront, preparing students to excel in their careers with a comprehensive and innovative approach to legal education.

Rising Legal Talent in the Sports and Entertainment Industry Gains Valuable Experience with the Brooklyn Nets

Dana stands next to a trophy holding a basketball

Dana Krinsky L’25
The Brooklyn Nets, Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment (BSE) Global, Brooklyn, New York

Born and raised in northern New Jersey, Dana Krinsky L’25 practically grew up in New York City. While her parents relocated their family to Georgia and she later attended Georgia Southern University, she always planned on moving back north later in life.

In college, Krinsky’s passion for the sports industry ignited as she earned a dual degree in Sports Marketing and Sales. The allure of a career in sports led her to a role at a promotional merchandising and marketing company, where she swiftly ascended the ranks, ultimately managing the sponsorship business for the Truist Bank partnership with major league teams such as the Atlanta Falcons, Braves, and Atlanta United.

“The legal team at BSE really encourages a hands-on approach to gaining practical experience. The mentorship provided by Jeff and his team is invaluable.”

Dana Krinsky L’25

Krinsky worked for four years before choosing to enroll in law school to pursue a career working in-house for a major league team. She opted to attend Syracuse Law to earn her license in the state where she planned to later practice law, and because of its Sports and Entertainment Law concentration.

Aligning with her passion for sports, Krinsky is on the Executive Board of the Entertainment & Sports Law Society and a member of the Sports Arbitration & Negotiation Team within the Travis H.D. Lewin Advocacy Honor Society (AHS). She competed at Tulane’s International Baseball Arbitration Competition, New York Law School’s Soccer Negotiation Competition, and Syracuse’s Sports Law Negotiation Competition, where she reached the semi-finals to qualify for early membership to the Alternative Dispute Resolution division of AHS. Next year, she will serve on the AHS Executive Board as the Director for the Entertainment & Sports Law Division and Competition. Currently an Associate Editor for Syracuse Law’s Journal of International Law and Commerce, Krinsky will take the position of Lead Articles Editor for next year’s Executive Board.

Three people sit at a conference table and listen to a speaker who is out of the frame

In addition to her commitments in law school, Krinsky worked as a Legal Extern in the Syracuse University Athletic Compliance Office last year. Realizing the value of practical experience alongside legal education, she yearned for more opportunities to immerse herself in the dynamic intersection of law and sports. She chose to apply for the externship with BSE Global in Brooklyn, New York to gain more experience, make connections in the city, and receive a full semester of credits while working simultaneously.

BSE Global is the parent company of Barclays Center, the Brooklyn Nets, the New York Liberty, NBA G League team the Long Island Nets, and NBA 2K League affiliate NetsGC. The position reports directly to Jeff Gewirtz, Executive Vice President of Business Affairs & Chief Legal Officer at BSE Global.

Dana holds a basketball in front of a wall of framed jerseys

“Being able to work for this company,” Krinsky says, “In the city, I’ve dreamt about returning to, and for a professional sports team, is absolutely surreal. My externship began in February, and I can’t even begin to describe how much I’ve learned already.” Krinsky’s responsibilities at BSE Global include conducting legal research and drafting memoranda related to sports, media, privacy, intellectual property, contracts, real estate, mergers and acquisitions, tax, and employment matters. “The legal team at BSE really encourages a hands-on approach to gaining practical experience. The mentorship provided by Jeff and his team is invaluable.”

As she launches her legal career, Krinsky plans to work at a law firm. She believes that the in-house legal experience she is gaining through her externship will provide her with a unique understanding of how to best serve her clients when the time comes.

Noting her thanks to the alumni who donate to the Externship Opportunity Fund, she is appreciative of the opportunity to live out her dream, explaining that their “kindness in supporting Syracuse students like myself helped to lay a strong foundation at the outset of my legal career.”

Dana speaks with a colleague at her internship

1L Tiffany Johnson and 3L Andrew Patterson Selected for Tully Rinckey Foundation’s Military Scholarships

(Syracuse, NY – March 27, 2024) The Tully Rinckey Foundation, the philanthropic initiative of Tully Rinckey PLLC, has selected 1L Tiffany Johnson and 3L Andrew Patterson as the inaugural recipients of the Foundation’s Military Scholarships. The scholarship rewards College of Law students who have or are serving in the military or reserves.

Johnson is a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy, the 1L Representative to the College’s Military & Veterans Law Society, and a Staff Writer for Impunity Watch News, the media branch of the College of Law’s Journal of Global Rights & Organizations.

“I am honored and grateful to accept the scholarship from Tully Rinckey. As a first-year law student balancing active military service, I am committed to excelling in my studies and representing the values of both the military and the legal profession with integrity and dedication. Thank you once again for this invaluable opportunity,” says Johnson.

Graig Cortelyou, Global Chief Operating Officer of Tully Rinckey noted that Johnson was selected due to “her plans to use her legal accomplishments to address broader social issues impacting veterans and their families. She plans to participate as a student attorney in the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic in her second year, advocating for the military community. Her background as both a civil service employee of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and a U.S. Navy Reservist not only motivates her but also makes her suited to strengthening her commitment to the military community.”

Patterson, a former U.S. Army Captain, is a Student Attorney in the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic, a Member of the Military and Veterans Law Society, and a current VA work-study student.

“The scholarship validates the hard work being done by myself, the staff, and other student-attorneys at the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic. My application was honest, and I feel satisfaction that it was selected among a highly qualified field of applicants.  I am especially proud to be among the first recipients of the Tully Rinckey Foundation Military scholarship and I intend to pay it forward with continued support of my fellow Veterans. My heartfelt appreciation goes out to the Tully Rinckey Foundation for their continued support of legal education in the Veteran community. Thank you,” says Patterson. 

“Andrew discovered firsthand the positive outcomes that are generated when veterans understand the underlying process of accessing the benefits they have rightfully earned. Following service in Afghanistan as a Lieutenant, and as a Captain in the Army Reserve, he aims to become an accredited Veteran Service Officer and help his fellow troops work through trauma together,” says Mathew Tully, Founding Partner of Tully Rinckey.

The Tully Rinckey Foundation plans to add other New York state law schools to the scholarship program, further emphasizing their commitment to veterans.

“Our firm believes our service extends beyond the courtroom and into the communities where we work. Supporting the military, veterans, and their families is an important cause that Tully Rinckey backs in many ways, including the Military Scholarship,” says Mathew Tully. “We are honored and humbled to review the stellar applications from the College of Law students, and it was difficult to select two recipients. Tiffany and Andrew are leaders who will make an impact on the legal profession and our society.”

Among Tully Rinckey’s veteran-focused outreach programs are sponsorship of the annual Veterans in Economic Transition Conference (VETCON) in Albany, N.Y., and Turkeys for Veterans where they partner with local supermarkets throughout New York State to give free turkeys to veterans during the holiday season. The College of Law is a partner in the distribution of Turkeys for Veterans in Syracuse.

“The College of Law thanks the Tully Rinckey Foundation for their support of our military and veteran students. Tiffany and Andrew are well-deserving recipients who are actively engaged in the local veteran community and will continue to give back to veterans after law school,” says Professor Beth Kubala, executive director of the Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic.

College of Law to Add Housing Clinic for Fall 2024

The Syracuse University College of Law is adding a Housing Clinic to its clinical legal education offerings beginning in the Fall 2024 semester.

The Housing Clinic will operate in partnership with Legal Services of Central New York and the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York to provide representation to low-income tenants in eviction, housing conditions, and other rental housing-related matters. Students in the clinic, working under the supervision of clinic director Professor Gary Pieples, will handle all aspects of clients’ cases, including interviewing and counseling, investigation, negotiation, pleading and motion practice, courtroom advocacy, and real estate procedure.

“The Housing Clinic will bring much-needed representation to an underserved population dealing with profound living condition issues,” says Dean Craig M. Boise. “At the same time, our students will be gaining practical legal skills essential to a legal career and a priority in the College of Law curriculum.”

“Housing cases move quickly and are tried almost immediately, providing students with multiple opportunities during the semester to see a case through to resolution—from the initial interview and filing of motions to settlement or trial, including appearing in Syracuse City Court,” says Pieples. “The Housing Clinic also provides students another opportunity to explore public interest law as a career.”

The Housing Clinic is underwritten by a grant from Legal Services of Central New York and the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, which received additional New York State funding under the Tenant Dignity and Safe Housing Act.

The College of Law now offers students a choice of seven legal clinics: the Bankruptcy Clinic, the Betty & Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic, the Criminal Defense Clinic, the Disability Rights Clinic, the Housing Clinic, the Sherman F. Levey ’57, L’59 Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, and the Transactional Law Clinic.