Title IX

Syracuse University and the College of Law are committed to cultivating and maintaining an environment that supports its primary educational mission and is free from discrimination and harassment. The University and the College of Law prohibit and will respond promptly and equitably to reports of Sexual Harassment, which includes Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking, as well as other forms of prohibited conduct defined in the University’s Sexual Harassment, Abuse and Assault Prevention Policy.
If you are the victim of gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sexual misconduct, please report it.  Here you will find helpful definitions of Prohibited Conduct, the resources to help you get support if you are the victim of Prohibited Conduct, and the procedures for investigating and adjudicating allegations of Prohibited Conduct.
Students should report Prohibited Conduct to:

  • The University’s Title IX Coordinators are:
    Pam Peter
    Director/Title IX Coordinator for Students
    Student Title IX Case Management
    005 Steele Hall
    Syracuse, NY 13244
    titleix@syr.edu | 315.443.0211

    Sheila Johnson-Willis
    Chief, Equal Opportunity and Title IX Officer (also designated as the Title IX Coordinator for Faculty and Staff)
    Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services
    621 Skytop Road, Suite 1001
    Syracuse, NY 13244
    titleix@syr.edu | (315) 443-4018
  • Office of Human Resources, Skytop Office Building, 315.443.5462, or hrservice@syr.edu; and/or
  • Department of Public Safety, 005 Sims Hall, 315.443.2224.

Anonymous reporting is also available through “TIPS” at 315.443.8477 (TIPS) or online. However, the University may be limited in how it can respond to anonymous reports of Prohibited Conduct.

The University provides students with access to the following Confidential Resources:

  • The Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team (available 24/7) at the Barnes Center at The Arch at 315.443.8000;
  • Healthcare providers, counselors, and their staff at the Barnes Center at the Arch at 315.443.8000;
  • The chaplains at Hendricks Chapel at 315.443.2901; and
  • The University Ombuds and their staff (for graduate students only) at 315.443.1087.

We are here for you when you need us.  Contact the Office of Student Experience via email at lawexperience@syr.edu, phone at 315-443-1146, or by stopping by 220 Dineen Hall for guidance, information and support.