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The Disability Rights Clinic (DRC) is dedicated to providing representation to individuals with disabilities as well as groups representing the disabled community. The Clinic covers a broad range of disability discrimination matters and accessibility issues under federal and state laws. Specifically, the DRC focuses on employment, access to state and local government services, access to places of public accommodation (private businesses open to the public), transportation, prisoner rights, as well as international human rights work.
For Students
Students Can Expect
In addition to representing clients in state and federal courts and in administrative proceedings, students engage in advocacy for policies, practices, and procedures that benefit people with disabilities. The DRC offers students the opportunity to learn about federal disability law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, prison litigation, and federal civil procedure rules.
Credits & Requirements
- 2 semester (full year) clinic
- 6 credits per semester
- 20-25 hour per week time commitment
- Pre- or Co-Requisites: Professional Responsibility, Disability Law
Michael A. Schwartz
Associate Professor of Law
Director, Disability Rights Clinic