
Professor Shubha Ghosh Discusses TikTok Security Issues with WSYR TV

Crandall Melvin Professor of Law Shubha Ghosh was interviewed on WSYR about the security and data privacy issues surrounding TikTok.

“There is a concern about the use of personal information to try to sway opinion or promulgate false information. Those are the kind of concerns in terms of how the information is used to profile users, target users, or even proselytize users, however, that might go. But those concerns are not limited to TikTok,” says Ghosh.

Professor Gregory Germain Comments on Recent Bank Failures and Economic Impact

Professor Gregory Germain provided several media outlets with comments on the recent bank failures and consumer concerns.

At and Money, Germain says, “As long as the FDIC is doing their job of assuring that banks are adequately capitalized and properly managed, there is no reason for this mini-panic to have a significant impact on our economy.”

On WRVO FM, he explains the circumstances around SVB’s failure pertained mostly to business accounts that exceeded the FDIC’s $250,000 deposit guarantee. “Because those deposits were not guaranteed and ensured by the F.D.I.C, as soon as there was any whiff of financial problems at the bank, everyone rushed to take their money out and they had a traditional bank run.”

Student Profile: 3L Cecily Capo

A third-year law student draws on her STEM training to help entrepreneurs bring ideas to market.

Some people spend years deciding what to do with their lives. Cecily Capo L’23, a third-year student in Syracuse University’s College of Law, knew in an instant.

It was the spring of 2021, and, like most college students at the time, Capo was making the most of remote learning. Truth be told, she felt listless, disconnected from her law studies.

Salvation came in the form of a virtual open house for Syracuse’s Innovation Law Center (ILC), an experiential learning program for students interested in technology commercialization. One of the presenters was a silver-tongued attorney named Jack Rudnick L’73, the face of the 30-year-old center for more than a decade.

Read the full article here.

Class of ’23 Cecily Capo pictured at Dineen Hall in the Innovation Law Center.

Professor Nina Kohn Writes on Protecting the Voting Rights of Long-term Care Facility Residents

Writing at the American Society on Aging’s Generations Today digital publication, David M. Levy Professor of Law Nina Kohn discusses the need to protect the voting rights of residents of long-term care facilities. In the article, Voters Live Here: Understanding the Voting Rights and Needs of Long-term Care Residents, Kohn covers common barriers, legal protections, and how care facility staff can help.

“Whether long-term care residents can vote is not a trivial issue. Voting is a fundamental right, a powerful symbol of membership in the community, and can be an important source of self-worth. The right to vote also provides long-term care residents with an important opportunity to defend their interests—interests that are often pushed to the wayside. Moreover, long-term care residents’ votes could be decisive in critical races,” Kohn concludes.

Professor Nina Kohn Co-authors Guardianship Expert Opinion Article at Bloomberg Tax

Professor Nina Kohn has co-authored the expert opinion article “Modern Laws and Out-of-Court Solutions Can Advance Guardianship” at Bloomberg Tax Law.

Robert Dinerstein, American University Washington College of Law; Deborah Enix-Ross, American Bar Association, and Ellie Lanier, University of Georgia School of Law are co-authors of the article.

In her portion of the article, Professor Kohn discusses the need to increase court resources and reform at the legislative level to acknowledge the voices and rights of those served.

“Each of us has the potential to become a person subject to guardianship. Each of us has the potential to find a loved one entrapped in the guardianship system. It’s time to contact elected representatives and demand guardianship reform,” Kohn concludes.

3Ls Kevin Casserino and Angelica Judge Win the 45th Annual Lionel O. Grossman Trial Competition

3Ls Kevin Casserino and Angelica Judge prevailed over 2Ls Daniel Bonsangue and Gavin Gretsky in the 45th Annual Lionel O. Grossman Trial Competition. Casserino was selected as the Best Advocate.

Final round judges were the Hon. Glenn T. Suddaby L’85 (Chief U.S. District Court Judge, Northern District of New York), the Hon. Bernadette Romano Clark L’89 (Oneida County Supreme Court Judge), the Hon. Jeffrey Leibo L’03 (Administrative Law Judge for New York State), and Julie A. North L’89 (retired, partner, Cravath.)

Professor Gary Pieples Discusses Onondaga County’s Use of Virtual Arrangements

In Onondaga County, virtual arraignments, enacted during the COVID pandemic on an emergency basis, continue to be used by Syracuse City Court. Professor Gary Pieples, Director of the Criminal Defense Clinic, explained that “virtual arraignments prevent attorneys from adequately being able to talk to clients, and prevent clients from asking questions of their lawyers during hearings.”

Read the full Central Current article.

Syracuse University College of Law Hires Trinity Curtis as Program Manager for its Orange Advance Enrollment Partnership with Clark Atlanta University and Morehouse and Spelman Colleges

Syracuse University College of Law has hired Trinity Curtis as Program Manager to guide and promote its Orange Advance pipeline partnership with Clark Atlanta University and Morehouse and Spelman Colleges.   Orange Advance seeks to promote careers in law among students at the three Atlanta-based HBCUs (known as the AUC, or Atlanta University Center), with pre-law, law school admissions, and legal career path programming for undergraduate students who are considering law school. 

As Orange Advance Project Manager, Curtis will be based in Atlanta where she will work with students directly, facilitate counseling and educational events on the ground, and activate networking opportunities with Atlanta-area alumni of the College of Law and Syracuse University. Curtis will also take the lead in designing and implementing the Orange Advance Summer Residency at the College of Law—an immersive, week-long introduction to Dineen Hall, our faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as the SU campus and the City of Syracuse. 

“Because of the positive reception to our Orange Advance program at the AUC, we need a dedicated, College of Law staff member in Atlanta to help students discover and explore career opportunities in the law and navigate their path to law school, says College of Law Dean Craig M. Boise.  “Trinity brings the perfect mix of legal, project management, and educational counseling experience to guide students as they explore careers in law and as the College of Law does its part to diversify the legal profession.”

“This is an exciting, innovative program that has the potential to positively impact the diversity of the legal profession,” says Curtis. “As a current student at Clark Atlanta pursuing my master’s degree in criminal justice, I have direct knowledge of our partner schools, the experiences of their students, and our shared goals. The College of Law has tremendous resources, including a world-class faculty and extraordinary alumni, whose depth of experience I plan to leverage as we continue to develop and grow Orange Advance.”

Curtis obtained her B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice from Valdosta State University. She is a current candidate for an M.A. in Criminal Justice from Clark Atlanta University, May 2023. Before joining the College of Law, Curtis worked in the Dekalb County Magistrate Court as a Clerk. Previously, she was an assistant program manager at STEAM Center Valdosta and a tutoring center coordinator in the Lowndes County School District. 

Orange Advance is just the latest example of Syracuse Law’s innovation in legal education.  JDinteractive expands access to legal education by delivering Syracuse Law’s JD program online to anyone who wishes to pursue a career in law from anywhere in the world.  Orange Flex places third-year law students in the city of their choice in externships that align with their career goals, with opportunities to complement their experiential learning with online courses.