If you are interested in obtaining legal assistance from our office, please review our intake guide and contact information.
The Sherman F. Levey ’57, L’59 Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) offers legal assistance to lower-income taxpayers who have controversies with the Internal Revenue Service. The controversies may include collection, examination and appeals matters.
Students represent clients in administrative proceedings before the I.R.S., and in judicial proceedings before the United States Tax Court or Federal District Courts.

For Students
Students Can Expect
The LITC offers students the opportunity to learn how to represent taxpayers. Students learn basic tax procedure and applicable substantive tax law. Students represent clients in administrative proceedings before the I.R.S. as well as represent clients in judicial proceedings before the United States Tax Court or Federal District Courts.
Credits & Requirements
- 1 semester clinic
- 3 credits
- 10-12 hours per week time commitment
- Pre- or Co-Requisites: Professional Responsibility, Federal Income Taxation I (Pre-Requisite)
Robert Nassau
Director, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
Teaching Professor