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Do You Remember? Help Us Caption Our Mystery Photos!

The College of Law’s photo archive is a fascinating visual history of your alma mater, full of nostalgia, anecdotes— and a few mysteries. That is, some of our prints and slides lack information or captions.

That’s where you come in. In this feature, we challenge you to help us recall the people and scenes in our mystery photos.

For our new mystery, we have a classroom scene from the late 1980s or early 1990s. It seems that not everyone is paying attention to the professor!

If you know any of the students pictured, please email Lisa Ladew, and we’ll publish what we discover in a future issue.

Mystery (Mostly) Solved!

The Mystery Photo from the 2022 Stories Book elicited several responses from alumni who recall the class in question. Most came within moments of the photo being posted on social media.

From Michael S. Olsan L’89:

I saw the picture on LinkedIn. Coincidentally, I am one of the people in the photo and remember the names of some of the others. This is from my 1L year so it is either 1986 or 1987 depending on whether it is the fall or spring semester. It is the class of 1989. Here’s what I can recall starting the first row from left to right:

Row 1: Carol Morris, Julie Thorne, Bart Cirenza

Row 2: George Renzi, Bob Faulkner, ?

Row 3: Michael Olsan (me), Jim Greer, Andy Staab (I think that’s who is turned around), ?

Row 4: Jim Southwick, Tim Coughlin (I think), I don’t know the rest

Jacqueline Guidarelli-Wu L’88 confirmed the three students in the front row as Carol Morris, Julie Thorne, and Bart Cirenza, and that it’s the class of 1989.

Paul M. Pochepan L’89 chimed in that “Definitely class of 1989 – Carol Morris front row left, Michael Olson third row left.”

Jennifer Nackley L’89 added, “The very intent gentleman in the front row is Bart Cirenza.”

Thank you everyone for the great response!