Keeping our promise, honoring their service
Veterans: If you are interested in obtaining legal assistance from VLC, please review our intake guide and contact information.

The Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Legal Clinic provides representation to veterans and their families who are seeking benefits from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) or upgrading a military discharge through the various military branches.
Students will engage in fact investigation, drafting persuasive letters and briefs to the various governmental agencies, and may have the opportunity to orally advocate for clients.
In addition to client representation, the Clinic engages in community outreach through its annual Valor Day event at the CNY Veterans Parade and Expo. Also, in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, the Clinic also proudly supports the SyracuseServes coordinated care network as a legal services provider.
Elizabeth Kubala
Executive Director, Betty and Michael D. Wohl Veterans Law Clinic, and Teaching Professor
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